We are a Catholic Church of the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. Join us for Mass or Evensong! Check the Calendar!
Sacrificial giving to God expresses our gratitude to Him, helps us center our lives around Him, and prepares us to receive His sanctifying grace. Our parish motto is "Disciples in loving fellowship with Jesus Christ" and stewardship is an expression of that very discipleship. Stewardship brings with it the power to change how we understand and live our lives.
With this in mind, I ask you to prayerfully consider implementing these objectives:
Acknowledge the great blessings in your life and graciously respond to them by giving to St. Cuthbert's Catholic Church for the work of God in the world.
Affirm the tithe (10%) as your goal for Christian giving.
Be a "percentage giver" by figuring the percentage of your income you will give back to God for His work.
Determine to take the next step toward your goal by increasing the percentage you give every year.
Giving back to God in support of St. Cuthbert’s Catholic Church is an investment in the future. It helps ensure that you, your family, your children, your friends, and generations to come have St Alban's as a community of faith where they can grow in the knowledge and love of God, grow in sanctity, and grow closer to Jesus Christ as his disciple and friend.
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you, and may St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne, the Patron Saint of our Parish, pray for you.
Please click here to go to our Online giving page to utilize Online giving services.
Pax tecum,
Fr. Jeffery Moore